Donate to bighouse
BigHouse could not minister to foster and adoptive families without the generosity of the local community. Individuals, families, businesses, churches, civic groups and more donate in a variety of ways throughout the year ensure BigHouse is able to continue to serve. Below are a list of ways you can give back to and through our organization.
Monetary Donations
If you believe in the work BigHouse is doing and are able to contribute financially to our goals, please consider partnering with us to provide monetary support. One time donations, sponsorships of specific programs and monthly donors are all so beneficial to BigHouse. Go HERE to make a monetary donation!
Goods Donations
BigHouse accepts donations of new and gently used clothing, shoes and accessories for children and teens year-round for the clothes closet. We also accept baby gear(cribs, strollers, high chairs, etc) as well as new socks and underwear, toiletries, diapers, wipes, and new toys for our birthday club. We typically can not accept books, used toys, linens or household items due to limited storage space. During the month of May we accept all donations of any type(in good condition) for our Yard Sale Fundraiser at the beginning of the summer.
All donations are eligible for a tax-deductible receipt if dropped off during office hours. After hours donations(not needing a receipt) can be made to the white donation bin in our parking lot.
Have a unique item or want to inquire about details before donating? Contact us HERE with questions!